Links I liked: German Presidency, the AfD makes a silly mistake, and the 1975 Europe referendum

Germany’s president is not going to seek a second term. An article in the Economist explains why this matters The AfD is using stockphotos to illustrate its nativist message. The models are actually … Romanians There was another Brexit referendum 41 years ago. Here are some wonderful vintage photos. [contentcards url=""]

Political Interest Props Up Partisanship in Wales, Scotland, and England

Privately, I have referred to this piece as The Un-Dead Article, the Paper That Is Never Going Be Published, The Cursed Manuscript, or simply as It-Which-Must-Not-Be-Named. But you know, it’s the problem child we love the most. So: Our article “Political interest furthers partisanship in England, Scotland, and Wales” is finally out! If you don’t…

Die AfD in Rheinland-Pfalz: Interview mit dem Trierischen Volksfreund

Mit dem Trierischen Volksfreund habe ich aus Anlaß der Landtagswahl über die AfD in Rheinland-Pfalz gesprochen und die Unterschiede zwischen den Landesverbänden gesprochen. Der Artikel steht hier: [contentcards url=";art806,4450079"]

Quick hit on the Super State Election Sunday (TM)

A mere three hours after the event, it’s obviously too early to write something coherent about the three state elections that were held in Germany today. So let’s try it anyway: For the time being, Germany has a viable Radical Right Populist Party. A result of ~24% in the Eastern state of Sachsen-Anhalt is a…

Liveblogging the March 13 2016 state elections

21.37: I’ve written a quick summary of the elections. Calling it a day now. 21.35: The Greens are probably in in Rheinland-Pfalz and Sachsen-Anhalt. The FDP is probably out in Sachsen-Anhalt but in the other states. 20.49: Nice graphical summary of the scale of the shift 20.39: Lest we forget: The Liberals are back…