Seven conflicts within Germany’s Alternative für Deutschland Party (AfD) – Fear and loathing edition

Seven months before the election, what’s up with the Alternative für Deutschland? I’ve kept repeating this since the Alternative für Deutschland’s ascendancy in the polls began in late 2015: the AfD’s electoral popularity depends on a) steering away from open right-wing extremism, which has frustrated previous attempts to establish a right-wing populist party in Germany, and…

Trump, far-right parties, and academic websites: five links I liked

Germany’s top court does not ban the right-wing extremist NPD, because it deems the party irrelevant by now On the apparent madness in the White House: A Strategic Lens Won’t Bring Trump into Focus, So Let’s Give Psychology a Shot (Honest Graft) A rather different view on Trump: Trump’s lies as a rational choice (Fully…

Interview with Diário de Notícias on the Nationalist International (or not)

Does the European Radical Right present a united front vis-a-vis the European Union, and is there a Trump effect that could further the cause of the Radical Right in Europe? I don’t think so (and here is an automated English translation). [contentcards url=""]

Interview with Diário de Notícias on Schulz vs Gabriel

With the upcoming (well, sort of) election and the shenanigans in the SPD, the world is watching Germany. The other day, I was interviewed by a journalist working for Diário de Notícias. [contentcards url=""] Just like the next guy, I love the sound of Portuguese, but I don’t understand any more than the odd word…