Clearly defined concepts are overrated. The strange case of European Radical Right Studies

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Clearly defined concepts are certainly necessary for any kind of scientific progress, right? Who could possibly disagree with that? Yes, you guessed right: me, your friendly neighbourhood contrarian, begs to differ. In a forthcoming chapter, I argue that conceptual confusion has at least not hampered progress in one field close to my heart: European Radical…

Asyl-Ideen: Stärkt Friedrich Merz die AfD?

Nützen die – rasch revidierten – Bemerkungen von Friedrich Merz der AfD? Darüber habe ich mit dem Handelsblatt gesprochen: [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

Journalologists, AI, Brexit literature, and right-wing terrorism: four links I liked

Brexit is depressing, but the the #LiteraryBrexit tag on twitter is hilariousThere are scientists who use the scientific method to study how science journals work. And their work is actually relevant.Interesting, yet depressing reading: a fact-file on right-wing terrorism in GermanyToday’s AI is not intelligent. Thought so

Rise of the Far Right in Europe?

The other day, I had a chat about the extent of the Far Right’s rise in Europe and the structural factors behind that with Courthouse News. Here’s the article, with some choice quotes by me. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

Quick hit: personality is back in politics

Quick hit: personality is back in politics 2

Probably it’s never been away. Equally probably, I’m overgeneralising from personal experience (can you see what I’m doing here?): within less than 48 hours: I heard this podcast featuring the excellent John Hibbing (the research discussed in the show was published a while ago) on brain differences and political preferences (red brain / blue brain)…

My six takeaways from the AfD dropout’s report

My six takeaways from the AfD dropout's report 3

Back in August, Franziska Schreiber made quite a splash with her memoir of the four years she spent inside Germany’s not-so-new-anymore Radical Right party. Schreiber was in her mid-twenties when she joined only weeks after the party was founded. She helped building up the AfD’s youth organisation – controversial even within the party – in…