Does use of Extreme Right / Radical Right terminology predict co-citations? (Part 2)

Does use of Extreme Right / Radical Right terminology predict co-citations? (Part 2) 1

Reprise: The co-citation network in European Radical Right studies In the last post, I tried to reconstruct the co-citation network in European Radical Right studies and ended up with this neat graph. [caption id="attachment_28138" align="alignnone" width="907"] Co-citations within top 20 titles in Extreme / Radical Right studies[/caption] The titles are arranged in groups, with the…

Initiative ohne Alternative: Aktivitäten des Parlamentsneulings AfD

Die neue AfD Bundestagsfraktion hat in ihrem ersten Jahr etliche Gesetzesinitiativen vorgelegt und eine größere Zahl parlamentarischer Anfragen gestartet. Dabei geht es fast unabhängig vom Anlaß allerdings immer nur um ein Thema: Migration. Dietmar Neuerer vom Handelsblatt hat mit dem Berliner Kollegen Oskar Niedermayer und mir darüber gesprochen, ob das Verhalten der Parlamentsneulinge ungewöhnlich ist…

The Extreme / Radical Right research network of co-citations: evidence for 2 different schools? (Part 1)

The Extreme / Radical Right research network of co-citations: evidence for 2 different schools? (Part 1) 2

Research question For a long time, people working in the field of European Radical Right Studies could not even agree on a common name for the thing that they were researching. Should it be the Extreme Right, the Radical Right, or what? Utterly unimpressed by this fact, I argue in a in-press contribution that this…

Clearly defined concepts are overrated. The strange case of European Radical Right Studies

Free Book Chapter

Clearly defined concepts are certainly necessary for any kind of scientific progress, right? Who could possibly disagree with that? Yes, you guessed right: me, your friendly neighbourhood contrarian, begs to differ. In a forthcoming chapter, I argue that conceptual confusion has at least not hampered progress in one field close to my heart: European Radical…

Asyl-Ideen: Stärkt Friedrich Merz die AfD?

Nützen die – rasch revidierten – Bemerkungen von Friedrich Merz der AfD? Darüber habe ich mit dem Handelsblatt gesprochen: [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

Journalologists, AI, Brexit literature, and right-wing terrorism: four links I liked

Brexit is depressing, but the the #LiteraryBrexit tag on twitter is hilariousThere are scientists who use the scientific method to study how science journals work. And their work is actually relevant.Interesting, yet depressing reading: a fact-file on right-wing terrorism in GermanyToday’s AI is not intelligent. Thought so

Rise of the Far Right in Europe?

The other day, I had a chat about the extent of the Far Right’s rise in Europe and the structural factors behind that with Courthouse News. Here’s the article, with some choice quotes by me. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]