4 2024 EU election links, and one to soften the blow
This week, the Internet is full of interesting stuff about the 2024 European elections, which were sort of momentous. Here are four links I liked, and one that helped me to cope.
This week, the Internet is full of interesting stuff about the 2024 European elections, which were sort of momentous. Here are four links I liked, and one that helped me to cope.
With just two days to go, this is my last look at AfD support in the polls before the 2024 EP elections.
The old Internet was full of stuff like this: people giving a lot of thought to the earnest analysis of entirely fictional worlds. We should bring that culture back.
Im Vorfeld der ostdeutschen Landtagswahlen war ich im Mai 2024 zu einem Gastvortrag an der Hochschule Magdeburg/Stendal eingeladen, bei dem es um Wahlmotive und Perspektiven der “Alternative für Deutschland” ging. Hier ist meine Präsentation.
Nicole Chen interviewed various colleagues and me for an article about Germany’s never-again-is-now moment in “Yale’s undergraduate journal of politics and culture”. I rather like the result. https://thepolitic.org/article/never-again-is-right-now-the-rise-of-the-afd-in-germany
This is an excellent longread, which is based on actual science: the author has talked to many colleagues and me, and much of what we told him made it into the final product.
Mit dem Handelsblatt habe ich ausführlich über die Hintergründe des öffentlich ausgetragenen Streits zwischen dem Rassemblement National und der AfD (bzw. Krah) gesprochen. Der Artikel ist momentan nicht hinter einer Paywall. https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/europawahl-nach-ss-eklat-afd-spitze-greift-gegen-krah-durch-01/100039144.html
I gave 20 minutes of my life to a journalist who wrote up the story of Germany’s biggest terrorism trial “for an American audience”, which is a phrase that inspires all sorts of despair. But one of my many wonderful quotes made it into the final product. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/21/prince-heinrich-reichsburger-plot-trial
As an editorial assistant or even associate editor, how do you entice me to review something for your Q2 journal? Easy, actually: On a Saturday morning, send me a generic invitation to review. Make sure that the manuscript is tangential to my own research interests/area of expertise. Extra points if I have never published in…
Why had support for the AfD ballooned? And has it really come down in time for the 2024 EP elections?