Rise of the Far Right in Europe?

The other day, I had a chat about the extent of the Far Right’s rise in Europe and the structural factors behind that with Courthouse News. Here’s the article, with some choice quotes by me. [contentcards url="https://www.courthousenews.com/far-right-parties-building-strength-across-europe/" target="_blank"]

Quick hit: personality is back in politics

Quick hit: personality is back in politics 2

Probably it’s never been away. Equally probably, I’m overgeneralising from personal experience (can you see what I’m doing here?): within less than 48 hours: I heard this podcast featuring the excellent John Hibbing (the research discussed in the show was published a while ago) on brain differences and political preferences (red brain / blue brain)…

My six takeaways from the AfD dropout’s report

My six takeaways from the AfD dropout's report 3

Back in August, Franziska Schreiber made quite a splash with her memoir of the four years she spent inside Germany’s not-so-new-anymore Radical Right party. Schreiber was in her mid-twenties when she joined only weeks after the party was founded. She helped building up the AfD’s youth organisation – controversial even within the party – in…

Sweden: (some) thoughts and (no) prayers

Sweden: (some) thoughts and (no) prayers 4

The other day, an American journalist wanted to talk about the Sweden Democrat’s role in the upcoming Swedish election. Being no country specialist, I tried to deflect the request, but he sent me some more specific questions anyway, which I tried to answer to the best of my abilities. Unsurprisingly, I provided too much detail,…

The CSU’s hard line towards refugees/immigrants is hardly new

Hey twitter, the CSU’s current anti-refugee line may be inspired by rise of AfD and upcoming elections, but it is hardly new. Lubbers et al. 2002 report (for the 1990s) that the CSU was responsible for Germany having one of the most restrictive “anti-immigrant climates” in Western Europe, that the CSU they were the most…