Handelsblatt-Artikel: Abwahl des AfD-Politikers Stephan Brandner als Vorsitzender des Rechtsausschusses

Mit Dietmar Neuerer vom Handelsblatt habe ich darüber gesprochen, warum die Abwahl Stephan Brandners überfällig war. [contentcards url="https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/politikwissenschaftler-zum-fall-brandner-man-muss-man-nicht-jede-grenzueberschreitung-tolerieren/25218792.html?ticket=ST-6125731-kbIGfu2fJU2jqTuQCuJu-ap2" target="_blank"]

Frauke Petry’s Blue Party is over

When former leader Frauke Petry left the AfD after the 2017 federal election, she kept her seats in the Bundestag and in Saxony’s regional parliament. These seats were meant to form the base for a new movement/party she quickly set up with friends and family. [caption id="attachment_29025" width="1200"] Image source: Wikipedia[/caption] The “Blue Party” was…

BBC interview: the Dresden Nazi emergency

For all its (perceived) shortcomings, to me the BBC remains the epitome of all that is good and great about public radio. This is why I always find it exciting, exhilarating and also slightly scary to talk to them. https://twitter.com/ProfTimBale/status/1190680393172819969 Yesterday, I had the opportunity to chat with Carolyn Quinn on the PM show about…

The AfD’s Balkans connection

Balkan Insight has an interesting story about the AfD’s involvement in the Balkans (with a tiny bit of input from me). [contentcards url="https://balkaninsight.com/2019/10/24/we-are-their-voice-german-far-right-builds-balkan-alliances/" target="_blank"]

Interview mit dem Handelsblatt: Thüringen, die AfD und die Zukunft der früheren Großparteien

Mit Dietmar Neuerer vom Handelsblatt habe ich ausführlich über die das Ergebnis der Thüringen-Wahl und die wahrscheinlichen Konsequenzen für die deutsche Politik gesprochen. In der Online-Ausgabe gibt es das Gespräch im vollen Wortlaut. [contentcards url="https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/interview-zur-thueringen-wahl-ungewoehnliche-mehr-parteien-koalitionen-werden-zur-normalitaet-werden/25160996.html" target="_blank"]

Another AfD leader speaks at a far-right “institute”

The ‘Institut für Staatspolitik’ is a well-known far-right ‘think tank’. Their self-stated meta-political mission is to educate the future nationalist. The long-term objective is to achieve a stealthy transformation of German society. They have been around for a while, and there are books and chapters about them, written by people who study right-wing extremism for…

The end of Canadian politeness, relative deprivation, right-wingers go nuclear, and the birth of Linux from a private monopoly: 4 links I liked

The end of Canadian politeness, relative deprivation, right-wingers go nuclear, and the birth of Linux from a private monopoly: 4 links I liked 3

Even Canadian politeness has its limits: someone writing for the Globe and Mail thinks that BoJo is really, seriously rubbish. Amusing (and spot on). Want to know what relative deprivation is and does? Look no further: “Germany’s far-right AfD stronghold: Life is good, but ‘people are scared'” Not much to see here, just a far-right…