Sinn Fein wins big in Ireland, German centre-right does deal with the devil™️, and UK journalists: 3 links I liked
Never ever have Sinn Fein (and leftist parties more generally) done so well as in the January 2020 Irish general election. Political journalists in the UK grow some spine and boycott a press conference that was open to a select few only. Everyone is rightfully concerned about the trumpification of UK politics. Provincial centre-right politicians…
Gespräch mit dem Handelsblatt über die Situation in Thüringen
Das Handelsblatt hat Oskar Niedermayer, Heinrich Oberreuter und mich zur Lage in Thuringen interviewt: [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]
Al Jazeera and the CDU/FDP/AfD coup
The election of an FDP politician as minister president of Thuringia made international headlines. One of the outlets that covered the events was Al Jazeera, who interviewed me on the day after the event. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]
CNN covers Thuringia, with a little input from me
The CDU/FDP/AfD collaboration in Thuringia created quite a stir, not just nationally but also internationally. Even CNN covered the events. I had a chat with one of their correspondents, and some of that made it into their online coverage. [contentcards url="",target="_blank"]
The Rise of the Radical Right is not unstoppable
Shocking insight: the rise of the Radical Right is neither inevitable nor monotonic. Setbacks are real, and so is the rise of left-libertarian parties and the mainstreaming of views that were outragesously liberal just a couple of decades ago (c.f. views on same-sex marriage etc.). It’s a good thing that journalists (they still exist) start…
Political personalities, university cultures, radical-right environmentalism, and the armed forces: 4 links I liked
The idea that there are seriously problematic political personalities is at least a 100 years old. In a recent article, colleagues Sabrina Mayer, Carl Berning and David Johann take it for a spin and look at the Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right (open access!) Over at the Duck of…
Beobachtung der AfD durch den Verfassungsschutz? Gespräch mit dem Handelsblatt
Das Handelsblatt hat mit Lothar Probst, Matthias Quent und mir über die möglichen Konsequenzen einer Beobachtung der AfD durch den Verfassungsschutz gesprochen. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]
Das Handelsblatt über den Rentenstreit in der AfD
In der AfD prallen marktradikale und wohlfahrtschauvinistische Vorstellungen zur Rentenversicherung aufeinander. Das Handelsblatt berichtet, dazu gibt es ein paar Wortlaut-Zitate von mir. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]
Turkey, Power Corrupts, and Right Wing Extremism in Germany: 4 links I did not really like
“How rogue can Turkey go?” This is a rather depressing assessment of the frayed state of relations between Turkey and “the West”. And it does hardly delve into the whole issue of human rights abuses. Talking about depressing yet oddly fascinating stuff, there is going to be a new season of the fantastic Power Corrupts…