California vs Russia, Ukrainian bribery, Mr P comes to Little Britain, false flag attack in Germany, and the fire-hose of anti-vaxx lies: 5 links I liked

California vs Russia, Ukrainian bribery, Mr P comes to Little Britain, false flag attack in Germany, and the fire-hose of anti-vaxx lies: 5 links I liked 1

Over at Crooked Timber, John Quiggin asks an odd yet interesting question: Would Republican voters rather live under a government like that of Russia, or one like that of California? Barbara McQuade, an actual law professor and former US attorney, argues that what the testimonies from the impeachment hearings add up to bribery. Still not sure if…

Some sort of top 100 or something

Happy to report that I made it to no. 53 on this totally scientific and utterly unbiased list of “Top 100 Political Science Blogs”. Presumably, because there are so few of us left. But anyways, if you are still reading blogs, take a look: there are a lot of interesting items on this list. [contentcards…

The AfD’s culture war, Trump as Voldemort, the electoral system’s impact on the Canadian election, and campaign deepfakes: 4 links I liked

The AfD's culture war, Trump as Voldemort, the electoral system's impact on the Canadian election, and campaign deepfakes: 4 links I liked 2

The AfD have launched their very own culture war (German style). Over at the Atlantic, Eliza Apperly reports. Is it uncivil to protest an uncivil president at a sports event? Mc Sweeny’s has a wonderful spoof essay on that topic: “Booing Voldemort at the Triwizard Tournament demonstrates Hogwarts’ lack of civil discourse” If you are a political…

Handelsblatt-Artikel: Abwahl des AfD-Politikers Stephan Brandner als Vorsitzender des Rechtsausschusses

Mit Dietmar Neuerer vom Handelsblatt habe ich darüber gesprochen, warum die Abwahl Stephan Brandners überfällig war. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

Frauke Petry’s Blue Party is over

When former leader Frauke Petry left the AfD after the 2017 federal election, she kept her seats in the Bundestag and in Saxony’s regional parliament. These seats were meant to form the base for a new movement/party she quickly set up with friends and family. [caption id="attachment_29025" width="1200"] Image source: Wikipedia[/caption] The “Blue Party” was…

BBC interview: the Dresden Nazi emergency

For all its (perceived) shortcomings, to me the BBC remains the epitome of all that is good and great about public radio. This is why I always find it exciting, exhilarating and also slightly scary to talk to them. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to chat with Carolyn Quinn on the PM show about…

The AfD’s Balkans connection

Balkan Insight has an interesting story about the AfD’s involvement in the Balkans (with a tiny bit of input from me). [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

Interview mit dem Handelsblatt: Thüringen, die AfD und die Zukunft der früheren Großparteien

Mit Dietmar Neuerer vom Handelsblatt habe ich ausführlich über die das Ergebnis der Thüringen-Wahl und die wahrscheinlichen Konsequenzen für die deutsche Politik gesprochen. In der Online-Ausgabe gibt es das Gespräch im vollen Wortlaut. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]