New publication: the 2024 European parliamentary elections in Germany and 26 other EU member states
After the 2019 Green wave, many observers expected a blue-brownish backlash for 2024. And in many countries, these observers (who are these people, and why are they always so well-informed?) were not disappointed. In Germany, the governing “progressive” coalition took a rather spectacular beating, while the main opposition, the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) performed ok-ish. The…
Friedrich Merz has a women problem
Friedrich Merz, the CDU/CSU candidate for the chancellorship, is much more popular with men than with women. It makes you wonder why.
What just happened in the Brandenburg election, and how will it affect German Politics?
Here’s an interview with DW in which I try to make sense of the 2024 state elections in Brandenburg.
I talked to Deborah Cole about the AfD & Germany’s east
Ten days or so ahead of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, I had a chat with Berlin-based British Deutschlandversteher Deborah Cole. Some quotes made it into this excellent explainer piece in the Guardian. Looks like Germany failed the test.
Loving the alien
Need to something uplifting? 50 minutes to spare? Listen to how the hunt for alien life is gearing up.
How does the Far Right end up in government? And do Far Right governments make a difference?
How it started: far right governments as an exception A decade or two ago, far right governments were a rarity in Europe. Of course, there were the Berlusconi governments of the 1990s and early 2000s that included the radical right Lega (then still the Lega Nord) and the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale, i.e. the rebranded MSI.…
Wer wählt warum wen? Interview mit “Psychologie heute”
Der komplette Artikel ist hinter einer Paywall, die Kurzfassung kann man momentan hier nachlesen.
Gespräch mit der dpa über den Zustand der SPD in Rheinland-Pfalz
Mit der Deutschen Presseagentur habe ich ausführlich über den Rücktritt von Malu Dreyer und die Nachfolgeregelung in der Landespartei gesprochen. Wer es lesen möchte: Zeit Online hat den Text übernommen und bietet ihn ohne Paywall an.
Was steht im aktuellen Verfassungsschutzbericht, und was lernen wir daraus?
Mit Tagesschau24 habe ich über den Verfassungsschutzbericht für das Jahr 2023 und die politischen Schlussfolgerungen daraus gesprochen. Das Video dazu gibt es hier.