Political personalities, university cultures, radical-right environmentalism, and the armed forces: 4 links I liked

Political personalities, university cultures, radical-right environmentalism, and the armed forces: 4 links I liked 1

The idea that there are seriously problematic political personalities is at least a 100 years old. In a recent article, colleagues Sabrina Mayer, Carl Berning and David Johann take it for a spin and look at the Two Dimensions of Narcissistic Personality and Support for the Radical Right (open access!) Over at the Duck of…

Beobachtung der AfD durch den Verfassungsschutz? Gespräch mit dem Handelsblatt

Das Handelsblatt hat mit Lothar Probst, Matthias Quent und mir über die möglichen Konsequenzen einer Beobachtung der AfD durch den Verfassungsschutz gesprochen. [contentcards url="https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/nach-austritt-aus-fraktion-rechtspopulismus-forscher-beobachtung-der-afd-ist-voraussichtlich-nicht-mehr-aufzuhalten/25485042.html" target="_blank"]

Das Handelsblatt über den Rentenstreit in der AfD

In der AfD prallen marktradikale und wohlfahrtschauvinistische Vorstellungen zur Rentenversicherung aufeinander. Das Handelsblatt berichtet, dazu gibt es ein paar Wortlaut-Zitate von mir. [contentcards url="https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/rentendebatte-hoecke-fluegel-wirft-afd-chef-meuthen-parteischaedigendes-verhalten-vor/25474312.html?ticket=ST-2193926-qoKvARA1ofygz4mAbewQ-ap2" target="_blank"]

The 10 most popular posts on this blog in 2019

The 10 most popular posts on this blog in 2019 3

Yet another end-of-year post It’s that time of the year again. No, I’m not talking about mindless consumerism, pointless over-indulgence and the Great Starbucks War on Christmas. What I’m talking about is my yearly reflection on why I still solo blog in <insert year>, and which posts were the least unpopular. To which the answer…

A neo-Nazi scandal could bring down the ‘Kenya Coalition’ in Saxony-Anhalt

A coalition to keep out the AfD Back in the distant past of 2016, the rise of the AfD in Germany’s eastern states and the fragmentation of the party system began to force the formation of awkward coalitions. In Saxony-Anhalt, the AfD captured about a quarter of the vote and so brought together a ‘Kenya…

Extremism & the German police, disinformation in the UK, nativism & populism, and the most useful podcast ever: 4 links I liked

Extremism & the German police, disinformation in the UK, nativism & populism, and the most useful podcast ever: 4 links I liked 4

In Germany, these problems have been under-estimated, under-reported, and outright downplayed for a very long time: Elite German Police Unit Was Crawling With Far-Right ‘Preppers’ Gearing Up for a Race War If you are worried about the effect of disinformation on democracy, the UK is a very scary place right now: Google bans eight different Tory…

Neuwahl der AfD-Spitze: Interview mit dem Handelsblatt

Mit Dietmar Neuerer vom Handelsblatt habe ich ein langes Gespräch über die Neuwahl des AfD-Bundesvorstands geführt. Dabei ging es auch um die Rolle Alexander Gaulands. [contentcards url="https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/politikwissenschaftler-arzheimer-zukunft-der-afd-uebrig-blieben-dann-nur-die-radikalsten-kraefte/25274814.html?ticket=ST-61441820-LI6z4tkzgQYlkoZbcCX6-ap2" target="_blank"]

A vast majority of Germans sees the AfD as a right-wing extremist party

A vast majority of Germans sees the AfD as a right-wing extremist party

For the radical right in Europe, Alternative for Germany is an increasingly unusual case In a recent paper published in JCMS, I argue that unlike other German far-right parties, the “Alternative for Germany party” (AfD) managed to avoid being associated with Nazism. The strong presence of establishment figures that previously were (or could have been) members…