von Christina Dongowski
In den deutschsprachigen Feuilletons wird alle paar Jahre neu verhandelt, wie inakzeptabel es ist, sich mehr oder weniger affirmativ zu Nazi-Ästhetik, ihren Vertreter:innen und ihrem xten Aufguss zu verhalten. 2020 waren es die Juden-Witzchen von Lisa Eckart, ein im Retro…
The most surprising political development of the 21st century was that Donald Trump became president of the United States. The least surpris…
Trump and trees
On today’s walk in the local woods, I found this unexpected piece of political art. Stick-Trump is saying “bye”. The stick-kids are asking where their family might be. Who made this and left it here?
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Bar Joke
What we are reading: populism, identity, and mobilisation
Everyone and their grandfather are worried about (right-wing) populism, filter bubbles, frames, and their effects on western publics. But do they actually work? This large team ran an experiment in many European countries to find out. You will be shocked when you see hypothesis #7! Bos, L., Schemer, C., Corbu, N., Hameleers, M., Andreadis, I.,…
What we are reading: Immigration attitudes and the city
Why are city folk more tolerant? In the olden days, people claimed that city air would set you free. In our times, that may not be true in a strict sense (hey, surveillance capitalism!), but people living in big cities are certainly much more relaxed about many things, including immigration. Is this a result of…
Gespräch mit dem Handelsblatt über die Koalitionskrise in Sachsen-Anhalt und den Kurs der CDU
Das Handelsblatt hat mit dem Kollegen Niedermayer und mir über die Koalitionskrise in Sachsen-Anhalt, den Kurs der Landes-CDU gegenüber der AfD und den fehlenden Einfluss der Bundes-CDU auf die Situation gesprochen. Streit um Rundfunkbeitrag: Regierungskrise in Magdeburg: Ministerpräsident Haseloff entlässt Innenminister StahlknechtIn Sachsen-Anhalt hat der Streit in der Koalition aus CDU, SPD und Grünen zu…
Teaching stats online with memes
Why yes, of course nothing says memefy just like a series of online lectures that everybody wants to fast-forward. And I have the tweets to prove it. So I’m teaching a mandatory stats/methods class (always popular). Online. Following the advice from my own kids, I have memified the outline. For your own syllabus needs, here…
What we are reading: Issue salience and the rise of the radical right
What has salience to do with it? In the third week of my reading class, we read this recent paper Dennison, J. (2020). How issue salience explains the rise of the populist right in western europe. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 32(3), 397–420. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ijpor/edz022 The author argues that various explanations for radical right support are all…
What we are reading: Party Activism in the Populist Radical Right
In the second week of my reading class, we had a go at this one. Whiteley, P., Larsen, E., Goodwin, M., & Clarke, H. (2019). Party activism in the populist radical right: the case of the uk independence party. Party Politics, online first. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1354068819880142 Big guns, and Paul Whiteley was the friendliest next-door (office) neighbour I could wish for…