A guide to Alternative for Germany’s donation scandals

A guide to Alternative for Germany's donation scandals 2

Update June 24, 2021 German prosecutors have asked the European Parliament to lift Meuthen’s immunity. In other words, the co-leader of the self-styled law-and-order party has become the object of a criminal investigation. Update April 19, 2019 The prosecutor for Berlin is investigating the AfD’s treasurer over support the party received from the association-for-whatnot (see…

In a land before time: offprints

Because there is a pandemic, we are improving the home. Because I’ve spent a year in the so-called office (i.e. the box room), the box room office is in particular need of improvement. Because it’s my box room office, it needs an especially good clean-out before there is any possibility of improvement. That’s why I’m…

Sorry, we got hacked again

Apologies to anyone visiting here who was confronted with links to lotteries, flashing signs, and even (shudder) literal bells and whistles. It’s (by my count) the third time my site got hacked since it went up in flames earlier this year. Why, I hear you ask, would anyone bother? Why go through the trouble of…

What we are reading: Gender and the Radical Right Vote

Why are women (mostly) immune to the radical right? It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a woman in possession of a good brain is rarely in want of a male-dominated, chauvinist, sexist radical right party. Or something along these lines. Austen aside, for most radical right parties in (Western) Europe, the male-to-female ratio in their…