The Daily Beast called, and they caught me in a foul mood
They cut out most of the expletives, which I find somewhat disappointing.
They cut out most of the expletives, which I find somewhat disappointing.
Centrist statistics dads, where would you rather go for lunch?
Before and after the recent German elections, I was invited to a number of virtual roundtables, which was good clean fun. One of them was hosted by an institution in the US and implied an unexpected “small honorarium” of 200 dollars. So far so good. I promptly forgot about the money until a couple of…
Utterly depressing. Outrageous and despicable.
Cas Mudde and I discuss the 2021 German federal elections
In all likelihood, Germany’s next government will be more secular than most of its predecessors. Here is why.
People mock pollsters whose findings they don’t like. Here is a totally unbiased look at how well eight major companies did in the 2017 elections
Mit Maria Fiedler vom Tagesspiegel habe ich über den aktuellen Wahlkampf der AfD und die möglichen Perspektiven der Partei nach der Bundestagswahl 2021 gesprochen. Erfreulicherweise gibt es keine Paywall
Over at The Atlantic, Yasmeen Serhan has an interesting article about far-right politics in Germany and its implications for the wider world, with some choice quotes from Constanze Stelzenmüller, Hans Kundnani, and yours truly.
Everyone who cares about German elections is very excited by now, because it’s just over a week until election day. And I realise that I have not blogged about this election at all. One reason is that I have not set up a poll aggregator this time round. There are enough better-run sites doing this…