Spam! Spam! Spam!

I get a lot of academic spam from predatory journals & fake conferences. Most of it never makes it past the filters, but this machine-written chunk of nonsense will always have a special place in my ❤️. Probability! should definitively become the standard way of greeting academic elders.

36 years of research on the Front National, the Le Pens, & their voters

The year is 2022. For the third time, a Le Pen is proceeding to the run-off for the French presidency. And unlike 2002 (when her father stood) and 2017, Marine Le Pen has a chance to win this time. Without doubt, a Le Pen presidency would upend French, European, and even global politics. This is…

How do you measure political secularism at the individual level?

For better (seriously?) or worse (you betcha!), politics and religion are intimately intertwined. While everyone and their grandfather (and especially their grandfather) gets worked up about immigration from Muslim-majority countries, the more relevant development in much of Europe is secularisation. Secularisation as a process has many facets (e.g. a decline of religious membership, practice,…