A high-quality cloned journal has duped hundreds of scholars, and has no reason to stop
I lead a very sheltered life: before reading this post, I had never suspected that it is possible to hijack an academic journal.
I lead a very sheltered life: before reading this post, I had never suspected that it is possible to hijack an academic journal.
Very happy to report that my recent research on Political Secularism has been published in the European Journal of Political Research (open access). Read the very short summary below, or just watch the video.
When my old twin love anthropology & archaeology called this morning, I did not hesitate for a second. Submitting a two-page article by midnight to release the Upcoming Issue? No problem due to my eminence. Consider yourselves intervened (and the discount availed). And then, as I was still eminent, it hit me like the proverbial…
It looks like my career in cardiology is already over, and urology is so last year. But boys! I’m back in the business of bothering with your bits, buggering your bottoms, and beholding your bollocks. In other words: enough with the ‘b’, I am an andrologist now. Greetings of the day indeed. Thankfully, I am…
Hey look, I made another silly video abstract: https://youtu.be/z_s-ab2YCMY Video abstract: Arzheimer, K. (2022). A Short Scale for Measuring Political Secularism. Politics and Religion, 15(4), 827-840. doi:10.1017/S1755048322000104 (open access) .
Jürgen P. Lang vom BR hat mit Frank Decker und mir über die Aussichten einer möglichen Parteigründung durch Sahra Wagenknecht gesprochen. Etliche O-Töne haben es in den fertigen Text geschafft. Wichtig ist das “maximal” vor “10-15 Prozent”. https://www.br.de/nachrichten/deutschland-welt/haette-sahra-wagenknecht-erfolg-mit-einer-neuen-partei,TXjzvQk
How much influence does Russia have on Germany’s AfD? And how important is the AfD for Russia? Here are some of my findings from a longer report on Russia and the populist right in Europe
Not too many, it would seem. Good, short article on the far right in Italy today and its relationship with historical Fascism.
Unlike most European countries, Greece features both old and new left-wing radicalism
This is excellent 👆