What Germany can learn from others in dealing with the AfD

A group of people standing around each other holding signs

The AfD doubled its vote share in Germany’s 2025 federal election, achieving dominance in eastern states with over 30% of votes but also making significant gains in the west. Its success stems from mobilizing non-voters, attracting disaffected voters from other parties, and exploiting migration fears. Despite this, its extremist stance remains polarizing. Germany’s democratic parties still have a chance to stem the tide, but they must act now.

Friday Fun

I have the rare privilege of a job with very flexible working conditions, and I always loved working from home. Pre-pandemic and post-nursery, I wouldn’t normally come in on more than three, maybe four days per week. However, the pandemic had a lasting effect on my working habits. I developed a strange longing for my…

Was ist los in Kaiserslautern?

Zunächst mit dem SWR und dann mit dem Deutschlandfunk habe ich über das relativ gute Abschneiden der AfD im Wahlkreis Kaiserslautern gesprochen. Der Artikel beim SWR hat mir die bislang originellste Beleidigung meiner Karriere eingebacht: meine Uni sei so schlecht, dass sie demnächst komplett aus dem Ranking fallen werde. Womit ich das verdient habe, kann…

How do Franco-Canadian lefties see the European far right?

La Presse is a reasonably progressive online newspaper based in Montreal. Vincent Brousseau-Pouliot, one of their staff writers, contacted various political scientists to talk (chiefly) about the far right in Europe. By and large, I found his questions more interesting than our answers. At any rate, good, clean fun. https://www.lapresse.ca/contexte/l-a-b-c-de-l-extreme-droite/2025-02-16/qu-est-ce-que-l-extreme-droite.php

Wie kann Demokratie wehrhaft sein?

Aus mehrfachem aktuellen Anlass startet der Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz eine neue Reihe zum Thema “wehrhafte Demokratie”. Bei der Eröffnungsveranstaltung durfte ich den Einführungsvortrag halten. Die Präsentation dazu gibt es hier zum Nachlesen.