1 year, 108 new items: the Spring 2023 update of the radical right bibliography

It’s that time of the year again. Today, I’m releasing a new version of the Eclectic, Erratic Bibliography on the Extreme Right (in (Western) Europe)™. Feel free to download the full-fat latest version here in a format (BibTeX) that most reference software can import. If you are a long-time user of the bibliography, you can also download an incremental update that contains just the latest additions (but see the point about housekeeping below).

Before delving into the updated bibliography, here is my standard reminder: If you know of any works that ought to be included in the bibliography, please send me the relevant reference. If you have publications that should be in the bibliography, send me the reference and the PDF (but please note that inclusion isn’t guaranteed).

I’m particularly interested in stuff that I might otherwise overlook. Tenured male professors have a way of making me aware of their work. I’m still interested in their publications, but if you don’t tick these boxes, I really need to hear from you.

Spring 2023 Bibliography Update

Some housekeeping: dealing with online first versions

In an online-first world of scholarly publishing, the idea of a journal “issue” has become somewhat obsolete. Yet many journals still cling to the illusion, even producing hard copies for the diehards. Some articles therefore have three versions: a very early one, which the journal publishes after acceptance; a second online version, which is edited and typeset to the journal’s standards; and the final version, which is identical to the second but with a different pagination and year of publication.

Two decades ago we invented DOIs to solve this problem: they are handles that a publisher can use to point to the latest version of the same paper. But unfortunately there is no mechanism to actively push version changes for a given DOI sitting in a bibliography.

And so there were a lot of entries (about 60) in the bibliography going back up to five years that had long been assigned to an issue, but still showed up as online first publications. Using the doi-utils package for Emacs, which allows a semi-automatic process (Crossref tends to retain the original publication year), I updated them.

When and where was this new research on the radical right published?

Since April 2022, I have added 108 new titles to the bibliography. This is probably the largest single update ever, bringing the total number of entries to 1216.

More than half of the new titles were published in 2022, and almost 17 per cent were published in the first three months of 2023. This is lower than 2022’s record of 25 per cent and more in line with long-term trends.

On the other hand, there are some real oldies, including Westle and Niedermayer’s classic on the (German) Republican Party. These have been in another file for a very long time and were not included in previous issues due to an embarrassing clerical error. Better late than never, I suppose.

Publication yearn
Publication year of 108 new additions to the bibliography

As a result of the housekeeping exercise mentioned above, the years of publication have changed from previous editions of the bibliography. However, 2018 (107 titles) remains the record holder for publications on the radical right, followed by (drum roll) 2022 (94 titles). In the 2018-2023 period alone (so far), 326 titles have been published. That is more than a quarter of all the titles in the bibliography. The field is expanding so fast that there should be a noticeable redshift. A decade ago, Cas Mudde argued that as a discipline, we give disproportionate attention to the radical right. He may have been onto something.

Party Politics8
West European Politics7
European Political Science Review6
Electoral Studies4
Government and Opposition4
American Journal of Political Science3
Comparative European Politics3
European Journal of Political Research3
Political Psychology3
Religion, State and Society3
Scandinavian Political Studies3
Acta Politica2
American Political Science Review2
British Journal of Political Science2
Ethnic and Racial Studies2
German Politics2
German Politics and Society2
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies2
Patterns of Prejudice2
Political Geography2
Politics and Governance2
Research & Politics2
Social Science Quarterly2
Number of articles per journal

100 of the 108 new entries are journal articles. Party Politics and West European Politics return to the top, and except for Religion, State and Society, the other journals in the top 10 (actually 11) are old friends, too. However, European Political Science Review had an unusually good year. One thing I noticed is that with more journals (not included in the table) contributing just one article, this year seems to be a bit more diverse in terms of outlets.

In the long run, West European Politics (68 titles) remains the most important journal, followed by European Journal of Political Research (60) and Party Politics (49). It is perhaps interesting to note that the gap between WEP and EJPR is widening.

What are the new topics in research on the radical right?

For several years now, I have been trying to create some visualisations to get an idea of what new research is all about. Since 2021 I have included abstracts (where available) in this exercise, and since 2022 I have tried to apply full(-ish) lemmatisation to get more meaningful results. But at the end of the day, it is just one of those much maligned word clouds.

1 year, 108 new items: the Spring 2023 update of the radical right bibliography 1
Topics in research on the radical right, 2023

As in previous years, ‘party’, ‘support’, ‘vote’, ‘voter’, ‘attitude’ and ‘study’ stand out, indicating the bibliography’s bias towards electoral politics (as opposed to, for example, social movement research). Also prominent are ‘AfD’, ‘alternative’ and ‘Germany/German’. No big surprise here. “Immigrant/(im)migration”, “refugee”, “welfare”, “social”, “economic”, “European” are classics. “Leave” (as in “vote leave”), which was quite visible last year, seems to have disappeared. “Covid” and “pandemic” are probably new, but don’t really stand out from the usual topics.

I’m sure that there are a lot of interesting trends hidden in (or behind?) this picture. Last year, I’ve read a lot about the politics of place, place-based attitudes and things like that. But the only trace of that seems to be ‘spatial’ (can you spot it?).

And no, I have no idea where ‘datum’ comes from.

Gender of radical right researchers

For the 108 titles, there are 178 unique given author names. Algorithmically inferring gender from names is always hit-and-miss, especially with non-European names. But even European names can be tricky (Andrea!). After dealing with some known troublemakers, including yours truly, and googling some names/people where neither the algorithm nor I were really sure, I ended up with 66 female and 112 male names. Quite a few of the latter appear two or even three times, including our old friend Michael/Michalis. Still, this is slightly less bad than last year (37 female names vs. 94 male names).

It’s important to remember that this methodology has serious limitations, not least that it doesn’t take into account the number of publications a person is involved in. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at the always popular cloud of authors’ first names.

1 year, 108 new items: the Spring 2023 update of the radical right bibliography 2
Given names of researchers on the radical right and inferred gender

That’s why I’d like to encourage women in particular to let me know about their research on right-wing radicalism. I’d love to see more work by women scholars in the bibliography, so please don’t hesitate to send me your research. The men always do.

Show us the latest titles in radical right research

Here is a full list of all that is new in the bibliography. Click here to download/import these new titles into your reference management software.

  • Abou-Chadi, Tarik, Denis Cohen, and Markus Wagner. “The Centre-Right versus the Radical Right: The Role of Migration Issues and Economic Grievances.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48.2 (2022): 366–384. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853903
    author = {Tarik Abou-Chadi and Denis Cohen and Markus Wagner},
    title = {The Centre-Right versus the Radical Right: The Role of Migration Issues and Economic Grievances},
    journal = {Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {48},
    number = {2},
    pages = {366--384},
    doi = {10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853903}
  • Adler, David and Ben Ansell. “Housing and Populism.” West European Politics 43.2 (2019): 344–365. doi:10.1080/01402382.2019.1615322
    author = {David Adler and Ben Ansell},
    title = {Housing and Populism},
    journal = {West European Politics},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {43},
    number = {2},
    pages = {344--365},
    doi = {10.1080/01402382.2019.1615322}
  • Albertazzi, Daniele and Davide Vampa. Populism in Europe. Lessons from Umberto Bossi’s Northern League. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2021.
    author = {Daniele Albertazzi and Davide Vampa},
    title = {Populism in Europe. Lessons from Umberto Bossi's Northern League},
    year = {2021},
    publisher = {Manchester University Press},
    address = {Manchester}
  • Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe. Eds. Albertazzi, Daniele and Davide Vampa. London: Routledge, 2021.
    title = {Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe},
    year = {2021},
    publisher = {Routledge},
    address = {London},
    editor = {Daniele Albertazzi and Davide Vampa}
  • Almeida, Dimitri. “Exclusionary Secularism: The Front National and the Reinvention of Laïcité.” Modern & Contemporary France 25.3 (2017): 249–263. doi:10.1080/09639489.2016.1272561
    author = {Dimitri Almeida},
    title = {Exclusionary Secularism: The Front National and the Reinvention of Laïcité},
    journal = {Modern \& Contemporary France},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {25},
    number = {3},
    pages = {249--263},
    doi = {10.1080/09639489.2016.1272561}
  • Anduiza, Eva and Guillem Rico. “Sexism and the Far-Right Vote: The Individual Dynamics of Gender Backlash.” American Journal of Political Science Online first (2022). doi:10.1111/ajps.12759
    author = {Eva Anduiza and Guillem Rico},
    title = {Sexism and the Far-Right Vote: The Individual Dynamics of Gender Backlash},
    journal = {American Journal of Political Science},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {Online first},
    doi = {10.1111/ajps.12759}
  • Arzheimer, Kai. “To Russia with love? German populist actors’ positions vis-a-vis the Kremlin.” The Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Right-Wing Populism in Europe. Eds. Ivaldi, Gilles and Emilia Zankina. Brussels: European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS), 2023. 156–167. doi:10.55271/rp0020
    author = {Kai Arzheimer},
    title = {To Russia with love? German populist actors' positions vis-a-vis the Kremlin},
    year = {2023},
    pages = {156--167},
    doi = {10.55271/rp0020},
    publisher = {European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS)},
    address = {Brussels},
    editor = {Gilles Ivaldi and Emilia Zankina},
    booktitle = {The Impacts of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Right-Wing Populism in Europe}
  • Bayerlein, Michael and Anne Metten. “The Impact of Covid-19 on the Support for the German Afd: Jumping the Populist Ship Or Staying the Course?.” Politische Vierteljahresschrift 63.3 (2022): 405–440. doi:10.1007/s11615-022-00398-3
    author = {Michael Bayerlein and Anne Metten},
    title = {The Impact of Covid-19 on the Support for the German Afd: Jumping the Populist Ship Or Staying the Course?},
    journal = {Politische Vierteljahresschrift},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {63},
    number = {3},
    pages = {405--440},
    doi = {10.1007/s11615-022-00398-3}
  • Becher, Michael, Irene Menéndez González, and Daniel Stegmueller. “Proportional Representation and Right-Wing Populism: Evidence From Electoral System Change in Europe.” British Journal of Political Science 53.1 (2022): 261–268. doi:10.1017/s0007123421000703
    author = {Michael Becher and Irene Menéndez González and Daniel Stegmueller},
    title = {Proportional Representation and Right-Wing Populism: Evidence From Electoral System Change in Europe},
    journal = {British Journal of Political Science},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {53},
    number = {1},
    pages = {261--268},
    doi = {10.1017/s0007123421000703}
  • Bergh, Andreas and Anders Kärnä. “Explaining the Rise of Populism in European Democracies 1980–2018: The Role of Labor Market Institutions and Inequality.” Social Science Quarterly 103.7 (2022): 1719–1731. doi:10.1111/ssqu.13227
    author = {Andreas Bergh and Anders Kärnä},
    title = {Explaining the Rise of Populism in European Democracies 1980–2018: The Role of Labor Market Institutions and Inequality},
    journal = {Social Science Quarterly},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {103},
    number = {7},
    pages = {1719--1731},
    doi = {10.1111/ssqu.13227}
  • Berman, Sheri. “The Causes of Populism in the West.” Annual Review of Political Science 24.1 (2021): 71–88. doi:10.1146/annurev-polisci-041719-102503
    author = {Sheri Berman},
    title = {The Causes of Populism in the West},
    journal = {Annual Review of Political Science},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {24},
    number = {1},
    pages = {71--88},
    doi = {10.1146/annurev-polisci-041719-102503}
  • Bichay, Nicolas. “Populist Radical-Right Junior Coalition Partners and Liberal Democracy in Europe.” Party Politics (2022): online first. doi:10.1177/13540688221144698
    author = {Nicolas Bichay},
    title = {Populist Radical-Right Junior Coalition Partners and Liberal Democracy in Europe},
    journal = {Party Politics},
    year = {2022},
    pages = {online first},
    doi = {10.1177/13540688221144698}
  • Bolet, Diane. “The Janus-Faced Nature of Radical Voting: Subjective Social Decline At the Roots of Radical Right and Radical Left Support.” Party Politics online first (2022). doi:10.1177/13540688221085444
    author = {Diane Bolet},
    title = {The Janus-Faced Nature of Radical Voting: Subjective Social Decline At the Roots of Radical Right and Radical Left Support},
    journal = {Party Politics},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {online first},
    doi = {10.1177/13540688221085444}
  • Brubaker, Rogers. “Between Nationalism and Civilizationism: The European Populist Moment in Comparative Perspective.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 40.8 (2017): 1191–1226. doi:10.1080/01419870.2017.1294700
    author = {Rogers Brubaker},
    title = {Between Nationalism and Civilizationism: The European Populist Moment in Comparative Perspective},
    journal = {Ethnic and Racial Studies},
    year = {2017},
    volume = {40},
    number = {8},
    pages = {1191--1226},
    doi = {10.1080/01419870.2017.1294700}
  • Cavaillé, Charlotte and Jeremy Ferwerda. “How Distributional Conflict over In-Kind Benefits Generates Support for Far-Right Parties.” The Journal of Politics 85.1 (2023): 19–33. doi:10.1086/720643
    author = {Charlotte Cavaillé and Jeremy Ferwerda},
    title = {How Distributional Conflict over In-Kind Benefits Generates Support for Far-Right Parties},
    journal = {The Journal of Politics},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {85},
    number = {1},
    pages = {19--33},
    doi = {10.1086/720643}
  • Chan, Ka Ming. “The Bottom-up Spillover Effect for Radical Right Parties.” European Political Science Review 14.3 (2022): 351–366. doi:10.1017/S1755773922000133
    author = {Ka Ming Chan},
    title = {The Bottom-up Spillover Effect for Radical Right Parties},
    journal = {European Political Science Review},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {14},
    number = {3},
    pages = {351--366},
    doi = {10.1017/S1755773922000133}
  • Christley, Olyvia R.. “Traditional Gender Attitudes, Nativism, and Support for the Radical Right.” Politics & Gender (2021): 1–27. doi:10.1017/S1743923X21000374
    author = {Olyvia R. Christley},
    title = {Traditional Gender Attitudes, Nativism, and Support for the Radical Right},
    journal = {Politics \& Gender},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {1–27},
    doi = {10.1017/S1743923X21000374}
  • Chueri, Juliana. “An Emerging Populist Welfare Paradigm? How Populist Radical Right-Wing Parties Are Reshaping the Welfare State.” Scandinavian Political Studies 45.4 (2022): 383–409. doi:10.1111/1467-9477.12230
    author = {Juliana Chueri},
    title = {An Emerging Populist Welfare Paradigm? How Populist Radical Right-Wing Parties Are Reshaping the Welfare State},
    journal = {Scandinavian Political Studies},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {45},
    number = {4},
    pages = {383--409},
    doi = {10.1111/1467-9477.12230}
  • Chueri, Juliana and Anna Damerow. “Closing the Gap: How Descriptive and Substantive Representation Affect Women’s Vote for Populist Radical Right Parties.” West European Politics 46.5 (2022): 928–946. doi:10.1080/01402382.2022.2113219
    author = {Juliana Chueri and Anna Damerow},
    title = {Closing the Gap: How Descriptive and Substantive Representation Affect Women's Vote for Populist Radical Right Parties},
    journal = {West European Politics},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {46},
    number = {5},
    pages = {928--946},
    doi = {10.1080/01402382.2022.2113219}
  • Cohen, Denis. “Ökonomisches Risiko und die elektorale Anziehungskraft der AfD.” Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017. Eds. Weßels, Bernhard and Harald Schoen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2021. 297–320. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-33582-3_15
    author = {Denis Cohen},
    title = {Ökonomisches Risiko und die elektorale Anziehungskraft der AfD},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {297--320},
    doi = {10.1007/978-3-658-33582-3_15},
    publisher = {Springer Fachmedien},
    address = {Wiesbaden},
    editor = {Bernhard Weßels and Harald Schoen},
    booktitle = {Wahlen und Wähler. Analysen aus Anlass der Bundestagswahl 2017}
  • Colantone, Italo and Piero Stanig. “The Trade Origins of Economic Nationalism: Import Competition and Voting Behavior in Western Europe.” American Journal of Political Science 62.4 (2018): 936–953. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12358
    author = {Italo Colantone and Piero Stanig},
    title = {The Trade Origins of Economic Nationalism: Import Competition and Voting Behavior in Western Europe},
    journal = {American Journal of Political Science},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {62},
    number = {4},
    pages = {936--953},
    doi = {https://doi.org/10.1111/ajps.12358}
  • Colombo, Francesco and Elias Dinas. “Networks of Grievances: Social Capital and Mainstream Party Decline.” Comparative Political Studies 56.3 (2023): 363–394. doi:10.1177/00104140221100195
    author = {Francesco Colombo and Elias Dinas},
    title = {Networks of Grievances: Social Capital and Mainstream Party Decline},
    journal = {Comparative Political Studies},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {56},
    number = {3},
    pages = {363--394},
    doi = {10.1177/00104140221100195}
  • Cremer, Tobias. “Nations Under God: How Church-State Relations Shape Christian Responses To Right-Wing Populism in Germany and the United States.” Religions 12.4 (2021): 254. doi:10.3390/rel12040254
    author = {Tobias Cremer},
    title = {Nations Under God: How Church-State Relations Shape Christian Responses To Right-Wing Populism in Germany and the United States},
    journal = {Religions},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {12},
    number = {4},
    pages = {254},
    doi = {10.3390/rel12040254}
  • Cremer, Tobias. “The Rise of the Post-Religious Right: Christianism and Secularism in the French Rassemblement National.” Party Politics 29.1 (2023): 40–50. doi:10.1177/13540688211046859
    author = {Tobias Cremer},
    title = {The Rise of the Post-Religious Right: Christianism and Secularism in the French Rassemblement National},
    journal = {Party Politics},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {29},
    number = {1},
    pages = {40--50},
    doi = {10.1177/13540688211046859}
  • Cremer, Tobias. “Defenders of the Faith? How Shifting Social Cleavages and the Rise of Identity Politics Are Reshaping Right-Wing Populists’ Attitudes towards Religion in the West.” Religion, State and Society 50.5 (2022): 532–552. doi:10.1080/09637494.2022.2104097
    author = {Tobias Cremer},
    title = {Defenders of the Faith? How Shifting Social Cleavages and the Rise of Identity Politics Are Reshaping Right-Wing Populists' Attitudes towards Religion in the West},
    journal = {Religion, State and Society},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {50},
    number = {5},
    pages = {532--552},
    doi = {10.1080/09637494.2022.2104097}
  • Dancygier, Rafaela, Naoki Egami, Amaney Jamal, and Ramona Rischke. “Hate Crimes and Gender Imbalances: Fears over Mate Competition and Violence against Refugees.” American Journal of Political Science 66.2 (2022): 501–515. doi:10.1111/ajps.12595
    author = {Rafaela Dancygier and Naoki Egami and Amaney Jamal and Ramona Rischke},
    title = {Hate Crimes and Gender Imbalances: Fears over Mate Competition and Violence against Refugees},
    journal = {American Journal of Political Science},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {66},
    number = {2},
    pages = {501--515},
    doi = {10.1111/ajps.12595}
  • Debus, Marc and Christoffer Florczak. “Using Party Press Releases and Wikipedia Page View Data to Analyse Developments and Determinants of Parties’ Issue Prevalence: Evidence for the Right-Wing Populist ‘Alternative for Germany’.” Research & Politics 9.3 (2022). doi:10.1177/20531680221116570
    author = {Marc Debus and Christoffer Florczak},
    title = {Using Party Press Releases and Wikipedia Page View Data to Analyse Developments and Determinants of Parties' Issue Prevalence: Evidence for the Right-Wing Populist 'Alternative for Germany'},
    journal = {Research \& Politics},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {9},
    number = {3},
    doi = {10.1177/20531680221116570},
    month = {jul}
  • Dennison, James and Andrew Geddes. “The Centre No Longer Holds: The Lega, Matteo Salvini and the Remaking of Italian Immigration Politics.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48.2 (2022): 441–460. doi:10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853907
    author = {James Dennison and Andrew Geddes},
    title = {The Centre No Longer Holds: The Lega, Matteo Salvini and the Remaking of Italian Immigration Politics},
    journal = {Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {48},
    number = {2},
    pages = {441--460},
    doi = {10.1080/1369183X.2020.1853907}
  • Dennison, James and Hanspeter Kriesi. “Explaining Europe’s Transformed Electoral Landscape: Structure, Salience, and Agendas.” European Political Science Review (2023): online first. doi:10.1017/S1755773923000085
    author = {James Dennison and Hanspeter Kriesi},
    title = {Explaining Europe’s Transformed Electoral Landscape: Structure, Salience, and Agendas},
    journal = {European Political Science Review},
    year = {2023},
    pages = {online first},
    doi = {10.1017/S1755773923000085}
  • Dinas, Elias, Konstantinos Matakos, Dimitrios Xefteris, and Dominik Hangartner. “Waking Up the Golden Dawn: Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Increase Support for Extreme-Right Parties?.” Political Analysis 27 (2019): 244–254. doi:10.1017/pan.2018.48
    author = {Elias Dinas and Konstantinos Matakos and Dimitrios Xefteris and Dominik Hangartner},
    title = {Waking Up the Golden Dawn: Does Exposure to the Refugee Crisis Increase Support for Extreme-Right Parties?},
    journal = {Political Analysis},
    year = {2019},
    volume = {27},
    pages = {244--254},
    doi = {10.1017/pan.2018.48}
  • Donovan, Todd. “Measuring and Predicting the Radical-Right Gender Gap.” West European Politics 46.1 (2023): 255–264. doi:10.1080/01402382.2022.2034091
    author = {Todd Donovan},
    title = {Measuring and Predicting the Radical-Right Gender Gap},
    journal = {West European Politics},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {46},
    number = {1},
    pages = {255--264},
    doi = {10.1080/01402382.2022.2034091}
  • Dustmann, Christian, Kristine Vasiljeva, and Anna Piil Damm. “Refugee Migration and Electoral Outcomes.” The Review of Economic Studies 86.5 (2018): 2035–2091. doi:10.1093/restud/rdy047
    author = {Christian Dustmann and Kristine Vasiljeva and Anna {Piil Damm}},
    title = {Refugee Migration and Electoral Outcomes},
    journal = {The Review of Economic Studies},
    year = {2018},
    volume = {86},
    number = {5},
    pages = {2035--2091},
    doi = {10.1093/restud/rdy047},
    month = {09}
  • Dvořák, Tomáš and Jan Zouhar. “Peripheralization Processes as a Contextual Source of Populist Vote Choices: Evidence from the Czech Republic and Eastern Germany.” East European Politics and Societies (2022): online first. doi:10.1177/08883254221131590
    author = {Tomáš Dvořák and Jan Zouhar},
    title = {Peripheralization Processes as a Contextual Source of Populist Vote Choices: Evidence from the Czech Republic and Eastern Germany},
    journal = {East European Politics and Societies},
    year = {2022},
    pages = {online first},
    doi = {10.1177/08883254221131590}
  • Erisen, Cengiz and Sofia Vasilopoulou. “The Affective Model of Far-Right Vote in Europe: Anger, Political Trust, and Immigration.” Social Science Quarterly 103.3 (2022): 635–648. doi:10.1111/ssqu.13153
    author = {Cengiz Erisen and Sofia Vasilopoulou},
    title = {The Affective Model of Far-Right Vote in Europe: Anger, Political Trust, and Immigration},
    journal = {Social Science Quarterly},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {103},
    number = {3},
    pages = {635--648},
    doi = {10.1111/ssqu.13153}
  • Essletzbichler, Jürgen, Mathias Moser, Judith Derndorfer, and Petra Staufer-Steinnocher. “Spatial Variation in Populist Right Voting in Austria, 2013–2017.” Political Geography 90 (2021): online first. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102461
    author = {Jürgen Essletzbichler and Mathias Moser and Judith Derndorfer and Petra Staufer-Steinnocher},
    title = {Spatial Variation in Populist Right Voting in Austria, 2013–2017},
    journal = {Political Geography},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {90},
    pages = {online first},
    doi = {10.1016/j.polgeo.2021.102461}
  • Evans, Geoffrey, Roosmarijn de Geus, and Jane Green. “Boris Johnson to the Rescue? How the Conservatives Won the Radical-Right Vote in the 2019 General Election.” Political Studies (2021): online first. doi:10.1177/00323217211051191
    author = {Geoffrey Evans and Roosmarijn {de Geus} and Jane Green},
    title = {Boris Johnson to the Rescue? How the Conservatives Won the Radical-Right Vote in the 2019 General Election},
    journal = {Political Studies},
    year = {2021},
    pages = {online first},
    doi = {10.1177/00323217211051191}
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    doi = {10.1057/s41295-023-00333-9}
  • Mudde, Cas. “The Far-Right Threat in the United States: A European Perspective.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 699.1 (2022): 101–115. doi:10.1177/00027162211070060
    author = {Cas Mudde},
    title = {The Far-Right Threat in the United States: A European Perspective},
    journal = {The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {699},
    number = {1},
    pages = {101--115},
    doi = {10.1177/00027162211070060}
  • Off, Gefjon. “Gender Equality Salience, Backlash and Radical Right Voting in the Gender-Equal Context of Sweden.” West European Politics online first (2022): 1–26. doi:10.1080/01402382.2022.2084986
    [BibTeX] [URL]
    author = {Gefjon Off},
    title = {Gender Equality Salience, Backlash and Radical Right Voting in the Gender-Equal Context of Sweden},
    journal = {West European Politics},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {online first},
    pages = {1--26},
    doi = {10.1080/01402382.2022.2084986},
    url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01402382.2022.2084986}
  • Pickard, Harry, Georgios Efthyvoulou, and Vincenzo Bove. “What’s Left after Right-Wing Extremism? The Effects on Political Orientation.” European Journal of Political Research 62.1 (2023): 338–351. doi:10.1111/1475-6765.12538
    author = {Harry Pickard and Georgios Efthyvoulou and Vincenzo Bove},
    title = {What's Left after Right-Wing Extremism? The Effects on Political Orientation},
    journal = {European Journal of Political Research},
    year = {2023},
    volume = {62},
    number = {1},
    pages = {338--351},
    doi = {10.1111/1475-6765.12538}
  • Pirro, Andrea L. P.. “Performing (during) the Coronavirus Crisis: The Italian Populist Radical Right between National Opposition and Subnational Government.” Government and Opposition online first (2022): 1–17. doi:10.1017/gov.2022.28
    author = {Andrea L.P. Pirro},
    title = {Performing (during) the Coronavirus Crisis: The Italian Populist Radical Right between National Opposition and Subnational Government},
    journal = {Government and Opposition},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {online first},
    pages = {1--17},
    doi = {10.1017/gov.2022.28}
  • Ramos, Miguel R., Sandy Schumann, and Miles Hewstone. “The Role of Short-Term and Longer Term Immigration Trends on Voting for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe.” Social Psychological and Personality Science 13.4 (2022): 816–826. doi:10.1177/19485506211043681
    author = {Miguel R. Ramos and Sandy Schumann and Miles Hewstone},
    title = {The Role of Short-Term and Longer Term Immigration Trends on Voting for Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe},
    journal = {Social Psychological and Personality Science},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {13},
    number = {4},
    pages = {816--826},
    doi = {10.1177/19485506211043681}
  • Riera, Pedro and Marco Pastor. “Cordons Sanitaires or Tainted Coalitions? The Electoral Consequences of Populist Participation in Government.” Party Politics 28.5 (2022): 889–902. doi:10.1177/13540688211026526
    author = {Pedro Riera and Marco Pastor},
    title = {Cordons Sanitaires or Tainted Coalitions? The Electoral Consequences of Populist Participation in Government},
    journal = {Party Politics},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {28},
    number = {5},
    pages = {889--902},
    doi = {10.1177/13540688211026526}
  • Rooduijn, Matthijs, Bart Bonikowski, and Jante Parlevliet. “Populist and Nativist Attitudes: Does Ingroup-Outgroup Thinking Spill over across Domains?.” European Union Politics 22.2 (2021): 248–265. doi:10.1177/1465116521992876
    author = {Matthijs Rooduijn and Bart Bonikowski and Jante Parlevliet},
    title = {Populist and Nativist Attitudes: Does Ingroup-Outgroup Thinking Spill over across Domains?},
    journal = {European Union Politics},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {22},
    number = {2},
    pages = {248--265},
    doi = {10.1177/1465116521992876}
  • Sayan-Cengiz, Feyda and Caner Tekin. “Gender, Islam and Nativism in Populist Radical-Right Posters: Visualizing ‘Insiders’ and ‘Outsiders’.” Patterns of Prejudice 56.1 (2022): 61–93. doi:10.1080/0031322X.2022.2115029
    author = {Feyda Sayan-Cengiz and Caner Tekin},
    title = {Gender, Islam and Nativism in Populist Radical-Right Posters: Visualizing 'Insiders' and 'Outsiders'},
    journal = {Patterns of Prejudice},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {56},
    number = {1},
    pages = {61--93},
    doi = {10.1080/0031322X.2022.2115029}
  • Schumacher, Gijs, Matthijs Rooduijn, and Bert N. Bakker. “Hot Populism? Affective Responses to Antiestablishment Rhetoric.” Political Psychology 43.5 (2022): 851–871. doi:10.1111/pops.12832
    author = {Gijs Schumacher and Matthijs Rooduijn and Bert N. Bakker},
    title = {Hot Populism? Affective Responses to Antiestablishment Rhetoric},
    journal = {Political Psychology},
    year = {2022},
    volume = {43},
    number = {5},
    pages = {851--871},
    doi = {10.1111/pops.12832}
  • Schwörer, Jakob and Xavier Romero-Vidal. “Radical Right Populism and Religion: Mapping Parties’ Religious Communication in Western Europe.” Religion, State and Society 48.1 (2020): 4–21. doi:10.1080/09637494.2019.1704611
    author = {Jakob Schwörer and Xavier Romero-Vidal},
    title = {Radical Right Populism and Religion: Mapping Parties' Religious Communication in Western Europe},
    journal = {Religion, State and Society},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {48},
    number = {1},
    pages = {4--21},
    doi = {10.1080/09637494.2019.1704611}
  • Schwörer, Jakob and Belén Fernández-García. “Religion on the Rise Again? A Longitudinal Analysis of Religious Dimensions in Election Manifestos of Western European Parties.” Party Politics 27.6 (2021): 1160–1171. doi:10.1177/1354068820938008
    author = {Jakob Schwörer and Belén Fernández-García},
    title = {Religion on the Rise Again? A Longitudinal Analysis of Religious Dimensions in Election Manifestos of Western European Parties},
    journal = {Party Politics},
    year = {2021},
    volume = {27},
    number = {6},
    pages = {1160--1171},
    doi = {10.1177/1354068820938008}
  • Söderlund, Peter and Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen. “Dark Side of Party Identification? an Empirical Study of Political Trust Among Radical Right-Wing Voters.” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 19.2 (2009): 159–181. doi:10.1080/17457280902799014
    author = {Peter Söderlund and Elina Kestilä-Kekkonen},
    title = {Dark Side of Party Identification? an Empirical Study of Political Trust Among Radical Right-Wing Voters},
    journal = {Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties},
    year = {2009},
    volume = {19},
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    doi = {10.1080/17457280902799014}
  • Spierings, Niels and Saskia Glas. “Green Or Gender-Modern Nativists. Do They Exist and Do They Vote for Right-Wing Populist Parties?.” Australian Feminist Studies 36.110 (2021): 448–468. doi:10.1080/08164649.2022.2051166
    author = {Niels Spierings and Saskia Glas},
    title = {Green Or Gender-Modern Nativists. Do They Exist and Do They Vote for Right-Wing Populist Parties?},
    journal = {Australian Feminist Studies},
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  • Spierings, Niels, Marcel Lubbers, and Andrej Zaslove. “‘Sexually Modern Nativist Voters’: Do They Exist and Do They Vote for the Populist Radical Right?.” Gender and Education 29.2 (2017): 216–237. doi:10.1080/09540253.2016.1274383
    author = {Niels Spierings and Marcel Lubbers and Andrej Zaslove},
    title = {'Sexually Modern Nativist Voters': Do They Exist and Do They Vote for the Populist Radical Right?},
    journal = {Gender and Education},
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  • Spies, Dennis Christopher, Sabrina Jasmin Mayer, Jonas Elis, and Achim Goerres. “Why Do Immigrants Support an Anti-Immigrant Party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany.” West European Politics online first (2022): 1–25. doi:10.1080/01402382.2022.2047544
    author = {Dennis Christopher Spies and Sabrina Jasmin Mayer and Jonas Elis and Achim Goerres},
    title = {Why Do Immigrants Support an Anti-Immigrant Party? Russian-Germans and the Alternative for Germany},
    journal = {West European Politics},
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  • Stiers, Dieter and Marc Hooghe. “Ethnic Diversity, Anti-Immigrant Sentiments, and Radical Right Voting in the Flemish Region of Belgium.” Swiss Political Science Review 28.3 (2022): 496–515. doi:10.1111/spsr.12512
    author = {Dieter Stiers and Marc Hooghe},
    title = {Ethnic Diversity, Anti-Immigrant Sentiments, and Radical Right Voting in the Flemish Region of Belgium},
    journal = {Swiss Political Science Review},
    year = {2022},
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    number = {3},
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    doi = {10.1111/spsr.12512}
  • Stockemer, Daniel and Marie-Soleil Normandin. “Men and Women Voters of the Populist Radical Right: Are They like Apples and Oranges?.” Patterns of Prejudice 56.1 (2022): 41–60. doi:10.1080/0031322X.2022.2071291
    author = {Daniel Stockemer and Marie-Soleil Normandin},
    title = {Men and Women Voters of the Populist Radical Right: Are They like Apples and Oranges?},
    journal = {Patterns of Prejudice},
    year = {2022},
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  • Vasilopoulos, Pavlos, Haley McAvay, and Sylvain Brouard. “Residential Context and Voting for the Far Right. The Impact of Immigration and Unemployment on the 2017 French Presidential Election.” Political Behavior (2021). doi:10.1007/s11109-021-09676-z
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    title = {Residential Context and Voting for the Far Right. The Impact of Immigration and Unemployment on the 2017 French Presidential Election},
    journal = {Political Behavior},
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  • Weeks, Ana Catalano, Bonnie M. Meguid, Miki Caul Kittilson, and Hilde Coffé. “When Do Männerparteien Elect Women? Radical Right Populist Parties and Strategic Descriptive Representation.” American Political Science Review 117.2 (2023): 421–438. doi:10.1017/S0003055422000107
    author = {Ana Catalano Weeks and Bonnie M. Meguid and Miki Caul Kittilson and Hilde Coffé},
    title = {When Do Männerparteien Elect Women? Radical Right Populist Parties and Strategic Descriptive Representation},
    journal = {American Political Science Review},
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  • Westle, Bettina and Oskar Niedermayer. “Contemporary Right-Wing Extremism in West Germany: \enquote The Republicans and Their Electorate.” European Journal of Political Research 22 (1992): 83–100.
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  • Williams, Christopher J. and Sophia Hunger. “How Challenger Party Issue Entrepreneurship and Mainstream Party Strategies Drive Public Issue Salience: Evidence from Radical-Right Parties and the Issue of Immigration.” European Political Science Review 14.4 (2022): 544–565. doi:10.1017/S1755773922000297
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  • Wollebæk, Dag, Audun Fladmoe, Kari Steen-Johnsen, and Øyvind Ihlen. “Right-Wing Ideological Constraint and Vaccine Refusal: The Case of the COVID-19 Vaccine in Norway.” Scandinavian Political Studies 45.2 (2022): 253–278. doi:10.1111/1467-9477.12224
    author = {Dag Wollebæk and Audun Fladmoe and Kari Steen-Johnsen and Øyvind Ihlen},
    title = {Right-Wing Ideological Constraint and Vaccine Refusal: The Case of the COVID-19 Vaccine in Norway},
    journal = {Scandinavian Political Studies},
    year = {2022},
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  • Wurthmann, Constantin L.. “Black-Blue Or Bahamas? Explaining Cdu, Csu, Fdp and Afd Voter Attitudes Towards a Common Governmental Coalition Before the 2017 German Federal Election.” German Politics online first (2022): 1–23. doi:10.1080/09644008.2022.2056593
    author = {L. Constantin Wurthmann},
    title = {Black-Blue Or Bahamas? Explaining Cdu, Csu, Fdp and Afd Voter Attitudes Towards a Common Governmental Coalition Before the 2017 German Federal Election},
    journal = {German Politics},
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    pages = {1--23},
    doi = {10.1080/09644008.2022.2056593}
  • Zanotti, Lisa and Stuart James Turnbull-Dugarte. “Surviving But Not Thriving: VOX and Spain in Times of COVID-19.” Government and Opposition online first (2022): 1–20. doi:10.1017/gov.2022.7
    author = {Lisa Zanotti and Stuart James Turnbull-Dugarte},
    title = {Surviving But Not Thriving: VOX and Spain in Times of COVID-19},
    journal = {Government and Opposition},
    year = {2022},
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    pages = {1--20},
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  • Zulianello, Mattia and Erik Gahner Larsen. “Blurred Positions: The Ideological Ambiguity of Valence Populist Parties.” Party Politics (2023): online first. doi:10.1177/13540688231161205
    author = {Mattia Zulianello and Erik Gahner Larsen},
    title = {Blurred Positions: The Ideological Ambiguity of Valence Populist Parties},
    journal = {Party Politics},
    year = {2023},
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  • Zuliannelo, Mattia. “The League of Matteo Salvini: Fostering and Exporting a Modern Mass-Party Grounded on “Phygital” Activism.” Politics and Governance 9.4 (2021): 228–239.
    author = {Mattia Zuliannelo},
    title = {The League of Matteo Salvini: Fostering and Exporting a Modern Mass-Party Grounded on "Phygital" Activism},
    journal = {Politics and Governance},
    year = {2021},
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