The AfD goes to court, Trump’s WH is a mess, and a Britain before Brexit: 3 links I liked

Back in 2001, the British General Election Study contained a (presumably open-ended) question asking Britons to name the “ most important problem facing the country”. A whopping 0.4 per cent of the sample came up with something along the lines of “Britain’s relationship with Europe”. So much for the eternal struggle going all the way back to Napoleon. Or Boudica. Or whatever. Here is the tweet containing this nugget of information:

Germany’s AfD, which may or may not face surveillance by the secret service in the near future and is always good for a joke, is suing said agency. They are objecting not to the fact that the service is building a case against them but rather to the decision to make this fact public. Here is the full story:

If you can bear to hear or read even more about the current occupant of the White House, this is a particularly scathing assessment of his presidency. Read it and weep.

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