Probably it’s never been away. Equally probably, I’m overgeneralising from personal experience (can you see what I’m doing here?): within less than 48 hours:
- I heard this podcast featuring the excellent John Hibbing (the research discussed in the show was published a while ago) on brain differences and political preferences (red brain / blue brain)
- Read this post on Steve Greene’s blog, which points to a new book by Marc Hetherington about basic worldviews, life choices, and partisanship in the US and
- Came across this article (ungated), which links preferences for abstract art to voting “Remain” in the Brexit referendum. The background variable in this article is of course personality. I don’t understand why the authors did not simply measure traits in the first place, but their approach makes for an interesting title.
Image credit: Elisa Riva via Pixabay
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Quick hit: personality is back in politics
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Quick hit: personality is back in politics