Why is there support for the Radical Right?
I’ve just submitted the final (hopefully) draft of a chapter that I’m preparing for Jens Rydgren’s forthcoming Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right. The job description was to Explain Electoral Support for the Radical Right (read the pre-print here). In 8000 words or less. Sure thing. No pressure.
Given the formidable size of the literature on the Radical Right, I had to be brutal. The chapter organises the presumptive causes of right-wing voting along the lines of the familiar Micro-Meso-Macro scheme, focusing on a number of landmark studies on the one hand and some of the latest research on the other. I aim at weighing the evidence in favour and against some prominent hypotheses about the conditions for Radical Right party success, including the pure-protest hypothesis, the charismatic-leader hypothesis, and the silent-counter-revolution hypothesis. Following that, I discuss what we know about the effects of a host of meso- and macro-level factors, and point out some directions for further research. I concludes that Radical Right mobilisation is now the rule rather than the exception, and that we should perhaps focus on understanding why they are not successful in some cases.
Post-Truth Politics Disclaimer:
I completely made up that number
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/HU0GFZbvN7
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/HU0GFZbvN7
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/uTysmcsWpF
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/uTysmcsWpF
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/uTysmcsWpF
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/uTysmcsWpF
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/uTysmcsWpF
RT @carlberning: Timely and most relevant: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/NUuAViJGep via @kai_arzheim…
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/zKKSjd510i
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/zKKSjd510i
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/LI6ZVnd8tm
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/LI6ZVnd8tm
47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right by @kai_arzheimer https://t.co/EgEmFmYN3P https://t.co/wESOYJWDkj
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/fcGCmgIKld
RT @FFRBookSeries: Why do people vote for the Radical Right? https://t.co/7mrLxzAjtL via @kai_arzheimer
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/fcGCmgIKld
Why do people vote for the Radical Right? https://t.co/7mrLxzAjtL via @kai_arzheimer
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/fcGCmgIKld
Timely and most relevant: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/NUuAViJGep via @kai_arzheimer
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/fcGCmgIKld
RT @kai_arzheimer: 47 (potential) reasons for voting for the Radical Right https://t.co/fcGCmgIKld