The good folks over at the LSE (which, apart from running one of the most vibrant Political Science blogging sites on the planet also happens to host a university) have kindly asked me to look ahead at the likely outcome of the German Federal Election in September in general and the role of the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in particular. I submitted my text early in December so that it could be published after Christmas. Following the terror attack on the Christmas market in Berlin, they offered me the opportunity to amend and slightly extend the text. I politely declined, because I thought that a horrific but fairly localised event such as this will not fundamentally affect the outcome of a still relatively distant election. I have been wrong before. Here is the link to the article on the EUROPP blog:
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: In 2017, the AfD will reshape German Politics. And German Politics will reshape the AfD…
RT @kai_arzheimer: In 2017, the #AfD will reshape German Politics. And German Politics will reshape the AfD
RT @kai_arzheimer: Blog: The #AfD and the 2017 German election #BTW2017
RT @kai_arzheimer: Blog: The #AfD and the 2017 German election #BTW2017
RT @kai_arzheimer: Blog: The #AfD and the 2017 German election #BTW2017
RT @kai_arzheimer: Blog: The #AfD and the 2017 German election #BTW2017
In 2017, the #AfD will reshape #German Politics. And German Politics will reshape the AfD @kai_arzheimer
RT @kai_arzheimer: In #2017, the #AfD will reshape German Politics. And German Politics will reshape the AfD – kai arzheimer…